- Micro laser marking machines are becoming increasingly popular for their ability to mark and engrave materials with high precision, accuracy and speed. Igwe ndị a na - enye ngwa ngwa na arụmọrụ nke ọma karịa usoro akara ọdịnala. The mini laser marking machine is small in size, compact in structure and easy to operate, making it an ideal choice for small businesses or industries. Igwe ahụ nwere ike itinye ọtụtụ ihe dị iche iche gụnyere Metal, Plast ...
- Laser marking has become an essential technology in the plastics industry as it provides an efficient and accurate method of marking a wide variety of plastics. Igwe plastik na-eji akara dị elu na-eji osisi dị elu mepụta na etched ma ọ bụ mkpụrụ edemede dị n'elu ihe plastik. Otu n'ime uru ndị dị n'iji plastik akara na plastik bụ ọkwa nke ọ na-enye. Teknụzụ a nwere ike imepụta akara zuru oke na nke zuru oke, nke dị oke mkpa ...
- Single-Handed Pneumatic Marking Machine and Frame Number Pneumatic Marking Machine: A Perfect Combination of Lightweight and Multilingual Support The single-handed pneumatic marking machine is a handheld device that is easy to use and operate. Ọ zuru oke maka akara dị iche iche dị ka efere ọla, akụkụ rọba, yana ọbụna osisi. A na-enye igwe ahụ nwere nnukwu ikuku dị ike nke na-enye isi iyi nke ike na-agbanwe agbanwe. Igwe a bụ ...
- CO2 Laser Marking Machine: The Ultimate Solution for Non-Metal Marking The CO2 laser marking machine uses a high-powered laser beam to create precise markings on non-metal surfaces. Nke a na - eme ka ọ dị mma maka akara akpụkpọ anụ na osisi, nke chọrọ atụmatụ dị omimi na ọkwa dị elu. Otu uru ihe dị mkpa nke igwe mkpọchi co3 laser bụ ihe ọ dị. Ọ nwere ike kaa ụdị ihe ndị na-abụghị ọla, gụnyere roba, iko, na seramis, na-eme ya puta puta ...
- Laser akara akara abụrụla ngwa ọrụ dị mkpa maka ndị na-emepụta ihe na ndị nrụpụta na ụlọ ọrụ dị iche iche. Igwe ndị a na-enye ezigbo ụzọ iji mee ka akara dị iche iche, nke sitere na ígwè iji plastik. Ngwa igwe laser bụ ngwaọrụ dị oke arụmọrụ nke na-eji laser laser dị mkpa iji akara. Igwe a zuru oke maka akara ụdị iko dị iche iche, gụnyere iwe dị iche iche, kpuchie ya, ma kesaa iko. Igwe akara UV laser bụ nhọrọ ọzọ a ma ama f ...
Igwe cylinder kaa akara
Ngwa igwe cylinder bụ ngwaọrụ pụrụ iche maka akara njirimara, akara ma ọ bụ ozi ndị ọzọ na igwe cylin. O nwere ike akara akara na mbara ala nke cylinders nwere nkenke. Igwe ahụ na-etinyere ngwakọta eletriki na usoro oyi iji hụ na izi ezi na ntụkwasị obi.